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How Is Bamboo Toilet Paper Made In Australia?

You will be surprised how simple and clear the process of making bamboo toilet paper is. In fact, both bamboo and regular toilet paper go through a similar manufacturing process – but as you’d expect, the bamboo paper uses bamboo, not sawdust or recycled paper.

First, farmers break the bamboo plant into fibres and add fibre to the mixture which turns it into bamboo pulp. Once the fibres are pulped, they are soaked, pressed and shaped into the actual paper. You can easily buy environment friendly toilet paper made from bamboo & recycled via Sheet Glory.

Then dry the long sheet of paper until it reaches the appropriate humidity. At this point, manufacturers roll the paper into long strips of toilet paper, cut it into smaller rolls, and package the rolls for sale.

Because regardless of whether it is made from unprocessed wood pulp or bamboo, the process of making toilet paper is basically the same.

Is bamboo toilet paper eco-friendly?

In general, bamboo products are one of the most environmentally friendly products. Not only are they made of durable materials, but they also disintegrate perfectly and quickly. Bamboo toilet paper is no different.

So if you’re wondering if bamboo toilet paper is eco-friendly, the answer is yes, of course. Bamboo is a renewable resource that is also very soft and strong. Due to their versatility and novelty, bamboo products have a much lower environmental impact.

Bamboo is an ever-evolving ecological building material. Thanks to its ability to make extremely soft and extremely strong products, bamboo is the material of choice for a wide range of products from home decor and clothing to cutting boards and guitars.