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Approaches to Strategic Human Resources Management

The Executive Director of Human Resources, as a member of senior management, must determine which policies, programs, practices, and approaches will most contribute to achieving the company's goals.

This means that in his new role he must be responsible for initiating and implementing the most efficient use of human resources at all levels of government. You can approach for highly effective diversity & inclusion training at

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The main function of the human resources position is to make a significant contribution to the development and achievement of the organization's short and long-term goals while enabling each employee to reach their full potential.

This, unlike the traditional human resource manager role, requires a business efficiency catalyst and advisor. With this in mind, the position of Vice President of Human Resources can be determined in this way.

Its comprehensive function is to formulate, implement policies, and recommend procedures and plans to ensure the most effective planning, selection, motivation, recruitment, development, and reward of an organization's human resources.

Contribute to the development and achievement of the organization's long and short-term goals by initiating and implementing employee relations practices that enable and encourage each employee to achieve personal goals while maximizing his contribution to business efficiency.

Providing solutions to management problems and realizing opportunities through innovative approaches to human resource management.

The main responsibilities of the Executive Director of Human Resources are as follows:

• Formulate and recommend that people's goals be incorporated into the overall goals of the organization.

• Identify the potential contribution of good human resource management to organizational goals.

• Identifying management problems that can be resolved and opportunities that can be realized by increasing the efficiency of human resource management.

Formulate, recommend, and implement employee relations policies to increase individual productivity, job satisfaction and profitability.