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What Is Environmental Project Management?

Environmental project management (EPM) is the umbrella term that refers to a range of techniques and processes used to manage environmental risks and liabilities in a project context. It encompasses both traditional environmental management approaches, such as risk assessment and monitoring, as well as new approaches, such as stakeholder engagement and collaborative decision-making. 

Environmental project managementcan be divided into two main phases: pre-project and post-project. In the pre-project phase, an environmental assessment is conducted to identify potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. 

This information is used to develop a mitigation plan, which identifies measures that will be taken to reduce or avoid these impacts. Once the pre-project phase is completed, the focus shifts to the post-project phase, where measures are implemented to reduce or eliminate the environmental impacts of the project. 

Environmental project management is an essential tool for safeguarding the environment and ensuring successful completion of projects. By properly managing environmental risks and liabilities throughout the project lifecycle, stakeholders can be confident that their concerns will be addressed and any negative consequences avoided. 

Environmental project managers work on projects that have an impact on the environment. Their job is to manage the environment in a way that minimizes negative impacts and maximizes positive outcomes. They create plans to be implemented that make sure the environment is not harmed but rather improved.