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Why Use Ion-Exchange Resins For Wastewater Treatment?

Ion-exchange resins can fill a niche area of wastewater treatment. They are ideal for the treatment of wastewater streams that are less by TSS and contamination levels than those that are treated using an ion exchange resin program. Other benefits include:

* There isn't any sludge generated.

If the water that is being treated comes from an electroplating process like sludge, it is considered to be hazardous F006 and is very costly to remove.

* It is less labor-intensive than chemical treatments.

Columns can be shipped easily and are typically considered not hazardous.

* Less space requirement than chemical treatment systems.

A system that is capable of treating 10 GPM between 20 and 10 GPM can easily fit into around a 4×10 footprint.

* Lower operating costs overall.

A variety of suppliers provide ion-exchange resins as well as columns. The most straightforward method to utilize Ion exchange is to use the column exchange program that is available from specific suppliers. These programs let you exchange the columns you have exhausted with new ones, without affecting the wastewater treatment process or production.

Make contact with an industrial wastewater treatment firm that can assist you in selecting the most efficient resin, set up the equipment, then set up an efficient column exchange system that works for your business.