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How to Buy Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings

We recommend that you print this article together with the checklist to keep handy when you talk to steel builder companies including general steel companies. Trade tips and tricks included in this article will save your time and money on your purchase once in a lifetime.

Follow them carefully and you will be guided in your purchase. First of all, you must have a pre-qualified checklist to get rid of the Fly-by-Night steel company. You can determine your needs before making the decision. There are various companies specializing the pre-engineered buildings. You can also check out the best pre-engineered structural steel framing components on 

Just as banks and credit card companies pre-qualify you for their services, you should pre-qualify the steel companies for your business!  This is very simple. Whoever you consider must pass the following test:


The company must have a 10-year minimum track record that is proven! It's important because it's very easy (and cheap) today for every Joe Schmoe to make a website that makes the company look like a million dollars. Be careful with this, and ask the representative on the phone, how long the company is in business.

Companies must have many dealers/contractors who buy from them besides their direct sales. This is important because companies that have 500 dealers tell you that at least there are many local general contractors who buy buildings from the company regularly. If a company does not have a dealer or very less, it means that even general contractors in the industry do not buy their products. Or maybe they haven't been there long enough to produce interest in their steel buildings

Companies must offer full project coordination and willing to verify building codes in your area. At present many companies try to issue a building code that is outdated or the code requirements are wrong for the purpose of selling consumers with cheap offers. Remember, the company tries to get your business. If they don't want to spend half an hour to get this info for you, something is wrong.