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What Is A Qualified Dance Academy From The Perspective Of A New Student

When you sign up for a dance academy, you are signing up for more than just instruction. You are also signing up to take classes, participate in social events, and develop a lifelong love of dance. This is why it's so important that the academy that you choose is qualified. In this article, we will break down what makes a qualified dance academy from the perspective of a new student.

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What to Expect On Day One

When you first walk into a qualified dance academy, you will be greeted by friendly staff members who will help orient you to the school. On your first day, you will attend an orientation meeting that will introduce you to the school and its programs. 

  • After the orientation meeting, you will have the opportunity to meet your dance instructor and get a feel for the class schedule.
  • Once you have had a chance to get used to the climate and schedule at your new school, it is time to begin preparing for auditions. 
  • During auditions, you may be required to perform certain exercises or dances that were specifically designed for audition purposes. 

What To Wear As A Student

When you start looking for a dance academy, one of the most important things to consider is what to wear. Most academies will have their dress code which usually consists of black clothing.

  • There are a few reasons why academies may have a specific dress code.
  • One thing that all students should keep in mind is that they should always dress appropriately for the weather.
  • Finally, if you're attending an academy that doesn't have a specific dress code, it's always important to be respectful of your teachers and fellow students by dressing appropriately for the occasion.

Dance Classes

A qualified dance academy can provide students with the opportunity to learn about dance and music from experienced professionals. Many academics have specific requirements for their students, such as having a level of dance experience or possessing certain musical abilities. It is important to research a qualified academy before enrolling, to make sure that the program will be a good fit for your needs.