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SEO Services – Know The Budget

Identifying every shady SEO service may not be possible, but I have some recommended advice that should help anyone get a fair and quality rate for SEO services in Sydney.

– Set yourself a "realistic" marketing budget and goal

– Shop around

– Don't buy until you feel comfortable

– Remember "cheap does not always mean better"

– Ask for references / referrals / portfolio

– Verify references / referrals / portfolio

– Ask for statistical growth and progress reports

Set Yourself a Realistic Marketing Budget and Goal

This simply means do not kid yourself and think you can pay $200 and overnight you will make thousands. Instead, create a budget depending on your marketing needs, competitive industry, projected outcome, and length of time.

If you are looking for your website to rank in the Top 10 search engine result page for a particular keyword or keywords then expect to pay in the thousands, often times tens of thousands, for quality, professional, and reliable SEO services, almost always depending on the competitiveness of the keyword.

If you want to rank in the top 10 for the keyword "Google", this in most cases is impossible, but I am sure there are some SEO companies who will accept the challenge but will charge in the thousands if not millions to attempt this insane marketing goal.