What Are the Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt?

Himalayan pink salt is crystal salt mined in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in India. This crystal salt, often with a greenish tint because of trace minerals, is used mainly as a seasoning for foods and as a supplement to replace deodorized table salt. Many Himalayan salt shakers have names like Kashi, Pink and White salts, or Navel Orange, and are made in many different sizes, depending on how much of the rock is needed for use. It's an extremely popular mineral for seasoning salt and a superior alternative to regular table salt.

The small amounts of Himalayan salt people consume in their diets do not usually cause any health problems, however, it is recommended that Himalayan salt be avoided in case of sodium intake. This is because the average Himalayan salt shaker contains about 2.2 mg of sodium per one-gram serving, compared to the typical American diet, which is much higher. Since sodium is known to contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease, it is considered harmful to consume large amounts of this mineral. This is why Himalayan salt shakers are sold as smaller-sized products like one teaspoon will contain only about two parts of sodium, while a serving of regular table salt is generally considered to contain about eight parts of sodium.

The salt's popularity comes from its purity and the lack of pollution in the mines it comes from. Mined near the tops of the Himalayan mountains, it has remained unspoiled by humans since ancient times. There are many Himalayan salt mines scattered throughout the country. The most well-known ones are located in the southern part of the country near the town of Sonmarg, and in the mountainous region near the capital city of Dharamshala. Other smaller-sized mines are also found in the Kanchenjunga and Kedarnath regions.

In addition to the freshness of the minerals, Himalayan salt can also be used in several dishes. Chinese and Indian cuisine relies heavily on it, as it is salty enough to marinate meat in and sweet enough to flavor rice and other dishes. Indian cuisine, in particular, uses it for flavoring rice and other food items.

A common question about Himalayan salt is whether it's better than regular table salt. To answer this, you have to understand what makes regular table salt better than Himalayan salt. Regular table salt contains primarily sodium chloride. Salt crystals grow larger due to the expansion process, resulting in tiny crystal clusters. These smaller crystals are the product of electrolysis, which means they come straight from the ore.

On the other hand, Himalayan salt consists mostly of potassium chloride. In addition to this, Himalayan salt contains a little bit of magnesium chloride, which contributes to its excellent characteristics. It's clear to see why it is much more useful and much more expensive than regular table salt.

One interesting fact about using Himalayan salt in the bath. It balances mineral content throughout your body. Many users have reported successfully increasing their calcium and magnesium intake by up to 40 percent using salt. This extra amount of magnesium and calcium helps improve your fluid balance. Of course, this won't happen overnight, but it happens. In addition, it has been proven that using Himalayan salt regularly can help keep your heart healthy.

The benefits of Himalayan salt go far beyond just being good for your health. Because of its special properties, it is known to play an important role in fighting off cancer cells. It is also believed to be a highly effective natural antibiotic, which can kill harmful bacteria in your digestive tract, improving your overall immune system. And because it contains so many trace minerals such as potassium and magnesium, it helps improve your fluid and electrolyte balance. As you can see, Himalayan pink salt is clearly one of nature's best gifts.