How To Prep Your Stairs For Painting?

Painting your stairs can be a great way to update the look of your home without the expense of a full renovation. But in order to get the best results, it’s important to properly prepare the stairs before you start painting. Here are some tips on how to prep your stairs for painting. 

First, remove any carpeting or old paint from the stairs. You should also make sure to sand any rough edges or imperfections. This will help the new paint stick better and create a smooth finish.

If you need a professional painter for the staircase, you can visit this link for reference.

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Next, you’ll want to make sure the stairs are clean and free of dust and debris. You can use a vacuum or broom to remove any dirt and dust. Then, use a damp cloth to wipe down the stairs and remove any remaining dirt.

Once the stairs are clean and dry, you’ll want to apply a coat of primer. This will help the paint stick better and create a more even finish. It’s best to use a water-based primer as it is less toxic and easier to clean up.

After the primer has dried, you’re ready to start painting. Use a brush or roller to apply the paint in even strokes. Make sure to let each coat dry completely before applying the next.

Finally, once the paint has dried, you’ll want to apply a sealer. This will help protect the paint and make it last longer.