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Should corns on the foot be treated with corn removal pads?

Corns and calluses on the foot are one of the commonest disorders affecting the feet seen by podiatrists. Corns are a localised area in which the skin becomes thicker in response to a lot of pressure on the area. If that pressure is over a wider more diffuse location, then this generally forms a callus. This greater thickness and hardness with the skin is a normal process which the skin uses to protect itself from this excessive pressure. With a corn and callus the pressure is so high that the increased thickness of your skin turns out to be painful. There are a selection of strategies which have been useful to address foot corns and calluses. The corn removal pads can be a common strategy used by people to try to treat these types of corns on the feet. Nonetheless, they aren't everything that they may be believed to be.

The corn removal pads have an caustic acid for you to set across the corn and they're alleged to eradicate that corn. One of the most widely used caustic acid in these pads is generally a salicylic acid. The acid is in a a bandage type pad which you place covering the corn and the salicylic acid is purported to eat away at the corn and remove it. The trouble with this is that the salicylic acid does not have any notion what exactly is corn and what is not a corn, so that it is unable to tell exactly what the normal skin is and what's the corn. The pad will definitely eat away at whatever you put it on. That will range from the normal skin around the corn and beneath the corn. It is not challenging to understand how harmful that might be, particularly if you have got an underlying medical problem such as diabetes or poor blood circulation. It is for that reason that almost all professional diabetes mellitus and podiatry organizations worldwide advocate against making use of these corn removal pads.

If you permanently like to get rid of a corn on the feet, then you need to remove what is causing it. Corns do not have roots that they will re-grow from. Corn removing pads will not eliminate the cause of corns. They are obviously caused by an excessive amount of pressure on the area which causes the skin to become thick to safeguard itself. If you wish to deal thoroughly with the corn and get rid of it once and for all, then that pressure that is leading to it needs to be removed. A podiatrist are able to masterfully debride and remove a corn, but its will return at some point following that until steps are taken to decrease that excessive pressure which was producing it. It is advisable to discuss this with your podiatrist in regards to what will be the reason behind the excessive pressure is in your case and what are the alternatives to decrease this excessive pressure in the long run. This might involve simply footwear suggestions or even the use of padding to remove the high pressure or it may well include surgery to improve the problem. Whatever long-term treatment is advised, avoid the use of the corn removal pads as they are not really going to repair anything at all in the long run.