Urban Planning Trends That Changes How Cities Will Look In The Future

Urban planning refers to the technical process involved in the development of a specific piece of land. This involves the design of plans that include land, air, water, and the infrastructure that will be used once an urban planning application has been approved. You can also check out here online about top urban planning firms.

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Here strategies stand out as key trends in urban development:

 1. Innovation Districts

As designers, we often speak about the benefit of “accidental collisions” between people in a workspace. That is the core principle behind an urban regeneration strategy called Innovation Districts—massive mixed-use developments with a variety of housing types to encourage a diverse population mix, combined with walkable mixed-use employment and retail areas.

     2. Blue Zones

Another unique approach to urban development promotes healthy living and longevity through a variety of design practices. 

Known as Blue Zones, these areas were born out of a concept derived from a National Geographic article that identified five areas across the globe where people live longer. Using these findings, outlined principles to maximize health and longevity:

1. Engage in moderate and regular physical activity.

2. Have a life purpose, with meaningful activity throughout life.

     3. EcoDistricts

As designers, elected officials, and developers are increasingly focused on incorporating sustainability practices into the design, EcoDistricts are starting to become a priority for urban development.