What Does an Insurance Adjuster Do?

An insurance adjuster is a professional who investigates and evaluates claims made by policyholders in order to determine the amount of money that should be paid out. They must be objective and impartial and work in the best interests of the insurance company. 

Insurance adjusters are a key part of the insurance claims process and have an important role in ensuring that the insurance company has sufficient funds to pay out legitimate claims. You can even search online for more information about Chicago Public Adjusters.

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When a claim is made, an insurance adjuster is sent out to investigate the incident and assess the amount of damage done. They must verify the accuracy of the claim by examining the scene of the incident, taking photographs, and interviewing witnesses. 

They must also establish the exact cause of the damage and how much it will cost to repair or replace the damaged property. Once the investigation is complete, the insurance adjuster will then negotiate with the policyholder to determine the amount of money that should be paid out. 

They may also assess the policyholder's financial situation to determine if they may be eligible for additional funds. The adjuster must take the policyholder's financial situation into account when arriving at a settlement figure, and must also consider any applicable policy limits.

In some cases, the insurance adjuster may recommend that the claim be denied if it does not meet the criteria outlined in the policy. 

They may also recommend any changes to the policy that should be made in order to avoid similar incidents in the future. In some cases, the adjuster may also recommend legal action if the policyholder is found to have acted negligently or fraudulently.